The Atlas will include all the EU States. Currently, it takes into consideration the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (excepting Alsace-Moselle), Greece (excepting Thrace), Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Cyprus, Romania, Spain and Sweden. France and Greece include regions where the rules applicable to RBMs are significantly different from those that apply in the rest of the country but their population does not exceed 3% of the country's total population. For this reason, these differences were not taken into account when calculating the scores. The overseas countries and territories of the countries that are part of the EU were also not taken into account.
In the countries where there is no majority religion (Estonia and Hungary) the G-index cannot be calculated and is therefore omitted.
Graphics on religion demography: the first graphic (% of main RBOs) shows the percentages for the majority religion and all the RBMs considered in the Atlas with a percentage higher than 0.5%; the second (percentage of other RBMs) shows how the percentage of all RBMs is distributed among each of them.